(1856 – 1933)
After a short stay in Naples in 1878, he moved to Florence for an improvement. From 1880 to 1885 he lived in Paris where he was affected by Rodin’s work and participated in the annual exhibitions of the Salon. In 1899 he stayed in London. In Rome he performs the allegorical groups and the twelve statues of the crowning of the Palazzo del Parlamento on the theme “By the will of the Nation” (1911-1912). He is the author of the war memorial overlooking the church of San Giacomo in Venice. In 1895 he exhibited and was awarded at the Venice Biennale for the work “Derelitta”, now preserved in the Revoltella Museum in Trieste. He has participated in the exhibitions of the Promoter of Fine Arts in Turin since 1896 and in 1898 he presents “Pia de’ Tolomei “. Collaborator of the Chini factory, in 1902 he exhibited works of decorative and applied art in Turin. In the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome there is a “Nude” and “Boy at the Fountain”, the latter proposed and awarded in Turin in 1896, while in the Gallery of Modern Art in Venice “La Figlia di Niobe” exhibited in Venice in 1899. His other works are kept in the Galleries of Modern Art in Milan (“The goddess Pomona”, marble), Palermo (“Faunetta”. 1906) and Piacenza, while numerous preparatory plaster casts are preserved in that of Florence.